Hearing God

Pastor Andi BlantonChildren's Messages

1 Kings 19:11-12; Elijah listens for the voice of God and finds it in a very unexpected way. He did not speak in the earthquake or the fire. He spoke in the quiet. We talk …

Do What Jesus Said

Pastor Andi BlantonChildren's Messages

Matthew 28:19-20 Jesus tells his followers to go out, share the good news, and make disciples. Serving other people is a big part of following Jesus’ command. We do BIG things when we take care …

A Book In Code

Pastor Andi BlantonChildren's Messages

Revelation 1 The first book of the Bible is Genesis. The last one is Revelation, which means that something was revealed to someone…the disciple, John. Find out who gave John a special message and what …

It’s So Hard To Forgive

Pastor Andi BlantonChildren's Messages

Genesis 45 Joseph was his dad’s favorite, but his brothers did not like that so much. They mistreated him and made life very difficult for him. Later, they need his forgiveness. Can Joseph forgive? Why …

With God We Can

Pastor Andi BlantonChildren's Messages

God calls a young boy, Jeremiah, to deliver an important message. We are never too young, weak, or unimportant for God to use us. Jeremiah1:9-10