Dear friends, let us love one another
for love comes from God.
Everyone who loves
has been born of God and knows God.
1 John 4:7
Worship Services are held at 10AM on Sundays
Chandler First Church of the Nazarene
301 North Hartford Street, Chandler, AZ
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Adult Small Group

Mission of Mercy Health Clinic

March 1, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Numbers 23–25
• New Testament: Mark 5:21–43
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Numbers 23–25, Balaam seeks God’s guidance before speaking, illustrating the importance of consulting God in our decisions. In Mark 5:21–43, individuals approach Jesus in faith for healing, demonstrating reliance on God in desperate times.
May you seek God’s guidance in all your decisions and trust Him in times of need.
Lord, help me to depend on You in every situation, seeking Your guidance and trusting in Your provision. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“Your Love is Strong" Jon Foreman
March 2, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Numbers 26–27
• New Testament: Mark 6:1–29
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Numbers 27, Moses seeks God’s counsel regarding the succession of leadership, showing reliance on God’s direction. In Mark 6:7–13, Jesus instructs His disciples to depend on God’s provision as they go out to minister.
May you rely on God’s wisdom in your decisions and trust in His provision as you serve Him.
Father, guide me in my choices and help me to trust in Your provision as I follow Your calling. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“Give Us Clean Hands” by Chris Tomlin
March 3, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Numbers 28–29
• New Testament: Mark 6:30–56
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Numbers 28–29, the Israelites are instructed to offer daily sacrifices, symbolizing continual dependence on God. In Mark 6:30–44, Jesus feeds the five thousand, teaching the disciples to rely on God’s power to meet needs.
May you continually depend on God for your daily needs and trust in His abundant provision.
Lord, I acknowledge my need for You every day. Provide for me and help me to trust in Your sufficiency. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“Great Is Thy Faithfulness” by Chris Rice
March 4, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Numbers 30–31
• New Testament: Mark 7:1–13
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Numbers 31, Moses and the Israelites seek God’s guidance before going into battle, showing reliance on His direction. In Mark 7:1–13, Jesus emphasizes the importance of heart devotion over external rituals, calling for sincere dependence on God.
May your heart be fully devoted to God, seeking His guidance in all your endeavors.
Father, purify my heart and lead me in Your ways. Help me to depend on You sincerely and wholeheartedly. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“Purify My Heart” by Brian Doerksen
March 5, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Numbers 32–33
• New Testament: Mark 7:14–37
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Numbers 33, the Israelites recount their journey, reflecting on God’s guidance and provision, highlighting the importance of remembering God’s faithfulness. In Mark 7:24–30, a Gentile woman persistently seeks Jesus’ help for her daughter, demonstrating humble dependence on God’s mercy.
May you remember God’s faithfulness in your life and approach Him with humility and trust.
Lord, thank You for Your constant faithfulness. Grant me a humble heart that depends on Your mercy. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“Faithful God” by I Am They
March 6, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Numbers 34–36
• New Testament: Mark 8:1–21
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Numbers 34–36, God provides specific instructions for the Israelites’ inheritance, emphasizing the need to follow His guidance. In Mark 8:1–10, Jesus feeds the four thousand, teaching the disciples to trust in God’s provision even when resources seem insufficient.
May you trust in God’s guidance and provision, knowing He cares for every detail of your life.
Father, help me to follow Your instructions and trust that You will provide for all my needs. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“Jehovah Jireh” by Don Moen
March 7, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Deuteronomy 1–2
• New Testament: Mark 8:22–38
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Deuteronomy 1–2, Moses recounts the Israelites’ journey, highlighting the importance of trusting God’s promises and not relying on their own understanding.
May you trust God and his promises in every part of your life.
Father, help me to trust you and your promises and not to rely on my own understanding but to seek you for wisdom in all things. Amen
Suggested Worship Song:
“Gratitude” by Nichole Nordeman
March 8, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Deuteronomy 3–4
• New Testament: Mark 9:1–29
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Deuteronomy 4, Moses reminds the Israelites to seek God with all their heart, showing the necessity of prayerful dependence. In Mark 9:14–29, Jesus teaches that certain battles can only be won through prayer, emphasizing complete reliance on God.
May you seek God wholeheartedly and trust in the power of prayer in every challenge you face.
Lord, increase my faith and teach me to depend on You in prayer for all things. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“What a Friend We Have in Jesus” by Matt Maher
March 9, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Deuteronomy 5–7
• New Testament: Mark 9:30–50
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Deuteronomy 6, God commands the people to love Him with all their heart, soul, and strength, requiring total dependence on Him. In Mark 9:35, Jesus teaches that true greatness comes through humble service, which requires reliance on God’s strength.
May you lean on God’s strength, knowing that true greatness comes through dependence on Him and serving others.
Father, help me to rely on Your wisdom and strength as I live for You and serve those around me. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“Lay It All Down” by Will Reagan & United Pursuit
March 10, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Deuteronomy 8–10
• New Testament: Mark 10:1–31
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Deuteronomy 8, God reminds the Israelites that He provided manna in the wilderness to teach them dependence on Him. In Mark 10, Jesus tells the rich young ruler that true security is found in following Him, not in wealth.
May you trust God for all your needs, knowing that He is your provider and sustainer.
Lord, help me to rely on You instead of my own strength or possessions. Teach me to trust You in all circumstances. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
"Make My Life a Prayer to You" Keith Green
March 11, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Deuteronomy 11–13
• New Testament: Mark 10:32–52
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Deuteronomy 11, Moses urges the people to obey and cling to God, emphasizing dependence on His blessings. In Mark 10:46–52, blind Bartimaeus cries out to Jesus in faith, demonstrating complete reliance on God’s mercy for healing.
May you call out to God in faith, trusting in His mercy and power to meet your needs.
Jesus, I depend on You for healing, strength, and direction. Help me to trust in Your mercy. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
"Even If" MercyMe
March 12, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Deuteronomy 14–16
• New Testament: Mark 11:1–19
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Deuteronomy 16, the Israelites are commanded to celebrate the feasts, reminding them of their dependence on God’s provision. In Mark 11, Jesus cleanses the temple and teaches that faith-filled prayer can move mountains.
May your faith in God grow stronger, and may you rely on Him for every need in your life.
Lord, increase my faith and help me to trust in the power of prayer to bring Your will into my life. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“Believe For It” by CeCe Winans
March 13, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Deuteronomy 17–19
• New Testament: Mark 11:20–33
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Deuteronomy 18, God promises to send a prophet like Moses, pointing to Jesus, whom we must depend on for truth. In Mark 11, Jesus teaches that forgiveness and faith-filled prayer are essential to a strong relationship with God.
May you depend on Jesus for guidance and trust in the power of forgiveness in your prayer life.
Lord, help me to forgive as You have forgiven me. Strengthen my faith as I seek You in prayer. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“Way Maker” by Leeland
March 14, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Deuteronomy 20–22
• New Testament: Mark 12:1–27
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Deuteronomy 20, God tells the Israelites not to fear in battle because He fights for them. In Mark 12, Jesus teaches that love for God is the greatest commandment, calling us to depend on Him completely.
May you find courage in knowing that God fights for you and calls you to love and trust Him above all else.
Lord, I put my trust in You. Help me to love You with all my heart, soul, and mind. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies)” by Chris Tomlin
March 15, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Deuteronomy 23–25
• New Testament: Mark 12:28–44
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Deuteronomy 24, God commands care for the poor, showing that dependence on Him should lead to generosity. In Mark 12, the widow’s offering demonstrates true faith, as she gives all she has in dependence on God.
May you trust God as your provider and give generously, knowing that He cares for your every need.
Father, I trust in Your provision. Help me to be generous and rely on You for all things. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“Do It Again” by Elevation Worship
March 16, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Deuteronomy 26–27
• New Testament: Mark 13:1–20
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Deuteronomy 26, the Israelites are called to bring their firstfruits to God as an act of dependence on Him. In Mark 13, Jesus warns of future trials, urging His followers to stay watchful and prayerful.
May you trust God with your future and remain steadfast in prayer, knowing He is in control.
Lord, I put my future in Your hands. Help me to depend on You in times of uncertainty. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“Haven't Seen It Yet" Danny Gokey
March 17, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Deuteronomy 28
• New Testament: Mark 13:21–37
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Deuteronomy 28, blessings are promised to those who obey God, showing the importance of trusting in His ways. In Mark 13, Jesus emphasizes watchfulness in prayer as we await His return.
May you seek obedience to God’s word and remain prayerfully expectant for His promises.
Father, keep me alert and faithful, trusting in Your plans and promises. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“Even So Come” by Passion
March 18, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Deuteronomy 29–30
• New Testament: Mark 14:1–26
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Deuteronomy 30, God calls His people to choose life by depending on Him. In Mark 14, Jesus prays before His betrayal, showing complete dependence on the Father’s will.
May you choose to trust in God daily, surrendering to His perfect plan.
Lord, help me to surrender to Your will as Jesus did. Strengthen me in moments of trial. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“Build My Life" Pat Barett
March 19, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Deuteronomy 31–32
• New Testament: Mark 14:27–52
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Deuteronomy 31, God promises to never leave His people, encouraging dependence on Him. In Mark 14, Jesus prays in Gethsemane, fully relying on the Father in His suffering.
May you find comfort in knowing God will never leave you, even in your hardest moments.
Father, I lean on You in my struggles, knowing You are always with me. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“Never Once” by Matt Redman
March 20, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Deuteronomy 33–34
• New Testament: Mark 14:53–72
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Deuteronomy 34, Moses’ journey ends, but God’s presence remains with Israel. In Mark 14, Peter denies Jesus, reminding us that we must depend on God for strength and faithfulness.
May you rely on God’s strength in moments of weakness, knowing His grace sustains you.
Lord, when I am weak, help me to depend on You for strength and courage. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“Lord, I Need You” by Matt Maher
March 21, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Joshua 1–2
• New Testament: Mark 15:1–25
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Joshua 1, God commands Joshua to be strong and courageous, relying on Him. In Mark 15, Jesus endures suffering, fully depending on the Father’s plan.
May you find courage in knowing that God goes before you and is with you always.
Father, give me strength and courage as I trust in Your plans. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“When I Fall" Katy Nichole
March 22, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Joshua 3–4
• New Testament: Mark 15:26–47
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Joshua 3–4, the Israelites cross the Jordan River by God’s power, demonstrating complete reliance on Him. In Mark 15, Jesus breathes His last, surrendering fully to the Father’s will.
May you trust in God’s power to lead you through every obstacle and surrender fully to His will.
Lord, guide me as I walk by faith, trusting in Your provision and surrendering to Your plan. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“Trust in You” by Lauren Daigle
March 23, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Joshua 5–6
• New Testament: Mark 16
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Joshua 6, the walls of Jericho fall not by human strength, but by obedience to God’s command. In Mark 16, Jesus’ resurrection proves that our ultimate victory is found in Him.
May you walk in obedience and trust, knowing that God will fight your battles.
Father, help me to rely on You and walk in faith, knowing You bring victory. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“By Our Love" for King & Country
March 24, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Joshua 7–8
• New Testament: Luke 1:1–25
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Joshua 7, Israel suffers defeat because they fail to seek God. In Luke 1, Zechariah and Elizabeth learn that prayerful dependence leads to God’s miraculous intervention.
May you seek God in all things and trust that He hears your prayers.
Lord, help me to seek You first and trust in Your perfect timing. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“Don't Stop Praying" Matthew West
March 25, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Joshua 9–10
• New Testament: Luke 1:26–56
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Joshua 9, Israel fails to pray before making a decision. In Luke 1, Mary humbly submits to God’s plan, showing complete trust in Him.
May you seek God in every decision and humbly submit to His plans.
Father, help me to depend on You in my choices and trust in Your greater plan. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“Be Thou My Vision” by Audrey Assad
March 26, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Joshua 11–12
• New Testament: Luke 1:57–80
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Joshua 11, Israel relies on God for victory over their enemies. In Luke 1, Zechariah praises God, acknowledging His faithfulness in answering prayer.
May you find strength in God’s faithfulness and victory in trusting Him.
Lord, I place my battles in Your hands and trust in Your faithfulness. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“Battle Belongs” by Phil Wickham
March 27, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Joshua 13–14
• New Testament: Luke 2:1–24
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Joshua 14, Caleb remains faithful, depending on God’s promise. In Luke 2, Mary and Joseph trust God as they bring Jesus into the world.
May you hold firmly to God’s promises and trust Him to fulfill them in His time.
Lord, give me patience and faith to trust in Your promises. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“Yes and Amen” by Housefires
March 28, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Joshua 15–17
• New Testament: Luke 2:25–52
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Joshua 17, the Israelites struggle to fully trust God’s provision. In Luke 2, Simeon and Anna wait faithfully, trusting in God’s promise of a Savior.
May you wait on the Lord with faith, knowing His timing is perfect.
Lord, help me to trust You in seasons of waiting, knowing You are always at work. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“Take Courage” by Kristene DiMarco
March 29, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Joshua 18–20
• New Testament: Luke 3
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Joshua 20, God provides cities of refuge, showing His provision for those in need. In Luke 3, John the Baptist calls people to repentance, pointing to Jesus as our ultimate refuge.
May you find your refuge in Christ and trust in His grace to sustain you.
Jesus, You are my refuge. Help me to run to You in all circumstances. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“Your Will Be Done" CityAlight
March 30, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Joshua 21–22
• New Testament: Luke 4:1–30
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Joshua 21, God fulfills His promise, providing rest for His people. In Luke 4, Jesus depends on Scripture to resist temptation, showing the power of God’s Word in our lives.
May you rest in God’s promises and rely on His Word for strength and guidance.
Lord, help me to depend on Your Word for strength and wisdom in every situation. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“Thy Word” by Amy Grant
March 31, 2025
Scripture Readings:
• Old Testament: Joshua 23–24
• New Testament: Luke 4:31–44
Prayerful Dependence in the Readings:
In Joshua 24, Joshua challenges the people to choose whom they will serve, calling them to full dependence on God. In Luke 4, Jesus heals the sick and casts out demons, demonstrating God’s power to sustain and deliver us.
May you choose daily to depend on God and serve Him with your whole heart.
Father, I choose to serve You and trust You in all things. Strengthen my faith and guide my steps. Amen.
Suggested Worship Song:
“I Have Decided to Follow Jesus” by The Worship Initiative
March Recap
This month has shown us that prayerful dependence on God is essential in every situation—whether in victories, trials, waiting, or decisions. As you move into April, may you continue to seek Him in prayer and trust in His faithfulness.